
By BethAndCo

A walk to Nanny and Grandad's house

Sleepwise, Eva woke just as I was getting into bed at midnight, then woke again at 4 am, 6 am, and I eventually got us both up when she woke at 8 am. She then had her nap from around 12pm til 2 pm then off we went to my moms house.

The car has been playing up again so I didn't go to Musical Babies today, but walked her round in her pushchair to my moms. She loved looking all around her, she was mesmerised by everything. Had a lovely time at my moms catching up with her and Peter. We stayed til about 5pm.

Today's pic is made up of on the way to my moms, while we were there with her playing on the throw on the floor where she did lots of rolling, and then on the way back spark out lol (check out her foot chilling on the pushchair bar lol) xxxx

I tried her with mashed up dinner again tonight. I even purposely didn't feed her any milk for a good while before, thinking could she not be eating cos she's just not hungry? She had a couple of little nibbles, but she just wasn't interested. I even tried mixing some Bisto gravy up and mixing that in (even though I wanted to avoid giving her gravy if possible) it made no difference, she just wanted to keep grabbing the spoon so in the end I let her, then gave her some cooked carrot and some plum that I'd got in the fridge and she munched on that quite happily, not swallowing it mind, but it kept her occupied.

At one point, when she wouldn't eat her cooked dinner, I thought, but she must be starving, so I resorted to whopping my boob out and leaning over the highchair to feed her lol. She gulped it down bless her. Can't have been a very glamorous sight but hey ho, needs must. Haha :-)

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