Rolling all over the bed
Eva still woke twice in the night for feeds, then went straight back down each time, but in between times, I had Sophie scratching at the bedroom door, so was shattered this morning when Eva woke at 8 am.
Feeding her on the bed once she was washed and dressed was funny this morning, she kept rolling away from me and going in all directions. I had to grab her hand at one point as she nearly rolled off the bed. I love our time together in the mornings when she wakes up. She's developing such a little character nowadays and makes me laugh so much.
We were downstairs for solid food brekkie by 9.30am, but first I had the cats to sort, so Eva sat good as gold in her highchair watching me, and I also put her C Beebies on as usual. She also had her 2 plastic smurfs and her Tommy Tippee cup of water to play with. She still isn't drinking from it, but chews the spout bit and just generally bashes it on her highchair tray and throws it on the floor. I mixed her a small amount of oat and apple up again, followed by some toast and kiwi. She didn't really eat much at all, but she's getting plenty of milk from me still, so she's fine, and she's happy. She was rubbing her eyes again by 11 am, so I took her up to bed, and she was spark out and slept for about an hour.
When she came back down, we just played on her play mat for ages. She's really rolling around now both ways. She kept rolling over to Mike's Xbox and chewing the cable, so I kept bringing her back, and back again she'd go. Lol. She also did some more sitting up, and is getting more confident to stretch out and reach for her toys whilst she's sitting. She's still quite wobbly but she's getting there.
She had another sleep from 3pm til 5 pm! I came downstairs and fell asleep on the sofa as was so tired.
For dinner, I heated up one of the roast chicken mashed up dinners I'd made for her yesterday. She ate a tiny, tiny bit but kept grabbing for the spoon to do it herself, so I loaded the spoon and let her. She still didn't really eat much but she enjoyed herself and loved making a mess lol.
She was bathed, had her milk and snuggles with me in bed, and was in her own bed, fast asleep by 8.30 pm, again with me whispering into the darkness with how much I love her and how grateful I am that she is here xxxxxxx
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