Naughty step

Well that told me! Was sent to the naughty step by blip yesterday for using a back blip pic. So wasn't allowed a blip sadly. That'll learn me as they say!

Here was my entry (as sad to lose the words):


Audrey woke up in a terrible mood today, teething again. She was that frustrated that she lashed out and started hitting me as I was preparing her bottle in the kitchen this morning. I was in total shock and just burst into tears. Then she cried too. We were both stood in the kitchen crying, what a pair!

Took her to nursery dosed up to help with the pain. Not sure who I felt more sorry for, the nursery nurses or Audrey today though. She was really not herself.

Just been out (again) for a friend's birthday into Manchester. It is so strange to have a social life again. I must stop boring people in bars with Audrey pictures though. They are very polite but let's face it, it is never that fascinating until it's your own child....


A day off with a very hungover husband and Audrey. I described Angus as being asleep with his eyes open as that's what he was like! Useless! But funny with it!

Got a new TV service fitted. Sky, with all the trimmings. Angus has bent my ear about it for so long I finally gave in. This probably means Sundays and lots of football on telly. Something tells me I'll regret this!!

Audrey back on top form today. We had a brilliant day together as it was sunny and warm. Walks in the woods (see pic), playing in the garden, a big food shop and bath-time giggles. A lovely mother and daughter affair!

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