
Went to the BMO today to collect supplies. Still not sure how many of these sort of places exist in the US, but we seem to have a local one.

Essentially it's a warehouse where contractors (builders) drop off supplies that they haven't used in a house build, shove a price on it, and the owner of the warehouse adds 20% to the final invoice price of anything you can buy.

So you can buy anything from designer kitchens, to windows, to flooring (carpet, tiles, laminate, etc), trim, etc. Practically anything that was excess to a building job somewhere. And because this material has already been paid for by someone, then it comes as a discount to clear it. The downside is that you can't generally find too much of one thing, and if say 6 houses had a designer kitchen and 1 cabinet in each wasn't used, you'll find 6 identical cabinets rather than the kitchen. But you never know what you'll find.

Today we needed trim so we gave them a try. Ended up with the some baseboards that were a bit cheaper, and some maple cover molding - which was a lot cheaper.

Trouble is that it didn't really fit on the truck. We tied it down as best could and hoped for the best.

As we left the rather nice girl on the checkout came out to wish us luck.

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