More Sanding!

We finished with the floor sander at 10:47, and was back in the store by 11:04, 3 minutes before the 24 hours was up. So quite pleased with that.

I wasn't expecting to get the edge sander rented today, but my father wanted to get cracking on that straight away. The floor sander doesn't do edges, hence the edge sander being required. Turns out it was quite a good idea to get cracking on it.

The rooms look brilliant with the natural oak colour, and sealing them in a polyurethane in a couple of weeks will be a delight. The rooms are so different with the lighter floor.

Interestingly, a couple of issues did materialise. First, at some point there was a fire that has marked the oak floor, so we spent nearly an hour sanding that out, or at least making it less obvious, and the original grating from the heating in the house was covered with pine rather than oak - so that looks a little odd. Annoying. But we'll live with it.

My job for the day was slightly less involving (my father was sanding) - I was rebuilding the bathroom sink and counter top. I kinda like doing the sinks, and despite getting soaking wet it's gone together quite nicely. Need to get some plumbers tape in because I do have a couple of drips that need sorting.

All in all, another long day.

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