
By BethAndCo

A morning with Aunty Sue and Bebe & Jenny and Eva

Had a much much better night last night. Eva slept til 3 am, had a quick feed then back in bed asleep, and woke at 7 am, but again, fell back to sleep while I was feeding her, so I put her back into her own bed and had another hours kip myself. I then left her asleep in bed whilst I came down to sort the cats out and get myself ready. She was just stirring at 9 am, so I got her up, ready and fed, and off we went to meet Aunty Sue, Bebe, Jenny and Eva 1 at stay and play.

Stay and play was lovely. Eva had a bread stick at snack time (well, chewed a bread stick and spat it back out) and at song and story time at the end, we all sat round and joined in with "we're going on a bear hunt".

Sue and Bebe came back with us for a coffee and a chat. I love how we both have little girls only 3 years apart. They are quite smitten with each other. Bebe wanted to stay here with "Ivor", as she calls her lol, when it was time for Sue to go, bless her.

Eva then had a big long feed, and slept for 2 hours, 1pm til 3pm.

Mike bathed Eva tonight and said he saw bits of carrot in her nappy (TMI lol) but again good signs. Even if she does spit most of her food out, at least bits are being swallowed.

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