
By cate1

start of curling season

Today is the first day of the curling season at Hamilton ice rink. The opening bonspiel is about to begin at 6pm, but I was at the rink this morning helping to coach a group of p6 children from a local primary school. It was the first time the majority had visited the ice rink and all had a great time. Each primary school in Lanarkshire is offered 4 hours of tuition for the older pupils and of those who are able to attend, the majority are very enthusiastic, some going on to join the after-school club if they wish.

As the school session was finishing, the wheel chair club began their session and as you can see from the reflection at the far end of the rink, it was very busy, with 3 sheets of ice being used. There is a good mixture of curling ability attend this club including some curlers who compete for Scotland in the winter olympics.

To my great relief, when helping with the coaching, I managed to stay on my feet and was able to slide out without going face first down the ice.

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