Hang in there

Today was very cool, 50 (F) degrees and it rained almost all day with just a small window of dry skies this afternoon. We are tackeling our office renovation project again today with hopes of mostly finishing tonight. We are so tired, passed exhausted earlier today, and when I saw this bee I felt a connection... In this cold wet weather the spirea flower is still covered in bees, however, they are all sleeping instead of frantically gathering pollen. And this poor fella must have lost his balance, as he's hanging on by his very front legs only. (Check it out large to see the odd placement of those front legs, it surprised me.) It took him quite a while of struggling before he made it back to the safety of the flower to finish his nap. The one on the top never moved, much like the other 9 bees on this plant.

We are taking a break for blipping dinner and trying to regroup... at some point being this tired just leads to silly mistakes... Fortunately nothing that couldn't be fixed. :) We just finished putting the floor down, next the furniture and reassembling the computer and office electronics... There is an end in sight, hopefully tonight as T needs his office for work tomorrow! A few bits of trim and details can wait for next weekend.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I'll catch up soon.

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