Foggy Blip in my PJs...

...Shhh, don't tell anyone! And pop this into large if you'd like.

We lost our heads and decided to gut my husbands home office - new floors, tear down wall paper, wash walls, paint walls (more coats than we had planned), paint trim (again more coats), new furniture, reassemble the computer setup, and donate or pitch all of the old stuff... All this weekend... Not sure what we were thinking, but we worked like crazy today and made a huge dent. Knowing that the day would be dedicated to this project, just after getting up my husband pointed out that the foggy lake would make a good blip. I had to agree, yet the fog never lasts long and I was still in my PJs. Oh well, the neighbors have seen worse, I grabbed my camera and took off down our hill for the lake. This shot, above, was after about 10 minutes of shooting (maximum) and this is one from when I had first arrived at the lake. As you can see I didn't have much time before the fog would be gone. *Justifying PJs*

Note: I didn't touch the saturation... it was just this pretty in person. It got brighter and more colorful as the sun came over the trees, a truly beautiful morning.

14 hours into our reno project today. I'm so exhausted, but it's coming along so nicely. We are finally at that point where we can see how it will look in the end... I love getting to that stage, it gives you the energy to see it through to completion! :)) Thank goodness I had my blip shot early on, or I'd be posting a shot of a dirty paintbrush!

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