Blue sky through the trees...

...and a little troublemaker. Don't let that innocent look fool you!

This little gal was making quite a racket today, pecking away at the frame of my neighbors screened in porch. (Loud doesn't cover it.) They weren't home so I thought it best to discourage the destructive action (and of course get a blip in the process). ;) Don't worry D&J your porch is safe with me and my camera around. All kidding aside, they can do so much damage with those beaks, it's best to redirect a woodpecker who's drilling on a house when you can.

Now normally, the sight of me and the Beast (the long lens) sends birds, and wildlife in general, scattering but this one had some chutzpah! She just hoped from limb to limb near me occasionally switching trees. She kept an eye on me but wasn't leaving on my account... I waited her out (and took gobs of images), eventually she got the hint and moved on. I haven't heard the drilling pecking since. Solved!... for today anyway.

I chose this one because the blue sky through the trees gave the background an artsy feel. I didn't touch the saturation, it was just a bright blue sky that took on a funky tone coming through the shadows of the leaves. I posted a shot on Flickr that isn't technically very good, as I was shooting into the sun with too slow of a shutter speed. However, I was pleased to have caught her mid-hop, as she made her way up the side of the tree. I thought it might be interesting to share with all of you.

We didn't do nearly as much work on the office today, but we sure are feeling the pain from our crazy weekend of labor! Not as young as we used to be I guess... :-/

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