Old Faithful

Well no sign of Yogi or Boo Boo but at least Old Faithful graced us with a visit and a beautiful blow out, the geyser spouts 8000 gallons of water up to 180ft high with water temp at 180°F (95°C) and the steam is 350°F (176°C) and made for a stunning view on another cracking day in Yellowstone our last night here before driving back to Salt Lake City tomorrow for our train to San Francisco so we have driven both upper and lower loop routes through the park the upper was around 130 mile circuitous route and the lower loop was around 80 miles along with our bus tour in the park we saw plenty Bison and Elk but no Wolves or Bear sadly but I have seen wild bear in Canada so was not to upset anyhow movie for the day is " Old Faithful 1973" best vewed LARGE See Ya

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