Autumn has arrived...

These royal gala apples are richer in large.

Yesterday was warm and sunny, today was not. Officially, we have a few more days before autumn is here, but today really felt like fall. Cool, cloudy and no humidity in the air. I took advantage of the weather to rearrange my garden and get all of those new plants planted... ever try to get a plant into the ground that is COVERED in bees??? It was tricky...

As late afternoon approached, I still didn't have a blip and the thick grey clouds didn't help the matter. Then, as I was shopping for groceries, I noticed these apples because they were a bit different in coloring than ones I had seen before. I picked the best three from the basket (I'm sure other shoppers were thrilled that I inspected each one and had a hard time making up my mind... "Hmm, which ones look best as a grouping?"). Once home I set up the dreaded still life. (I haven't had to do that since last winter; I'm going to miss my garden!) It was a bit of a circus as I stood on the dining room table adjusting angles etc., then the lighting was tough and eventually I had to use the pop-up flash. This worked well for the closest apple, but rendered the others too dark... Solution: a white piece of paper to bounce the light off of, lighting up the apples from behind. :) Lots of adjusting and messing about, but over all it came out as I had envisioned.

Two of the shots came out okay and we had a hard time agreeing deciding. What do you think? This one or the one on Flickr?

Off to the movies... I may have to catch up tomorrow morning.

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