The Turtlehead and the Bee

Sounds like a great children's story... ;) Cuter large.

This is a turtlehead flower and I have to admit that I spend way too much time watching the bees crawl in and out of these almost enclosed buds. It's facinating to watch (even my husband got hooked on the cuteness). The bees approach the nearly closed - turtlehead shaped - flower and wiggle and push their way inside (sometimes with great effort). I've watched a bee go into a flower and have been unable to see it from any angle. The only way you'd know a bee was in there would be to notice the top petal wiggling as the bee moves around on the inside. Sounds rather simple and mundane... right?... Well, I can't explain why, but it's addicting to watch the cuteness unfold, over and over again... Something about all that wiggling. ;)

I got hooked at the garden shop and it seems to be(e) just as fun to watch here at home. Another plant I'm glad I picked up! Now to just get all of them planted in the ground. Transplant some, rearrange others and plant these additions; next on my list of things to do... I'd better stop watching the bees and get to it!

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