
By Transitoire


Some more painting shells in Kids Club, it seems to be all that these kids seem to want to do! Fine by us of course…anything to keep everyone happy! We ended up spending half the time painting shells, then the other half doing sports down at the pitches…enough to make them go home tired so their parents could have a little bit of a rest! It is strange doing a job where your entire day is focused on trying to keep other people happy, you don’t ever find much time to keep yourself happy.

As I had done all of our odd tasks that we needed to do, on our day off, it meant that we could spend the afternoon at the pool followed by a touch rugby match on the beach organised by us in the evening. Mainly teenagers and adults but with a few younger children who were not too unhappy about being knocked over by the older lot thrown in the mix. I will admit, I was happier watching than I was joining in, I just don’t think I’ve learnt how to play rugby early enough…I’m just too worried about hurting people! Thom manned the barbeque for dinner while I managed to finally Skype with Becky. Was absolutely wonderful to catch up with both sets of life, with a little conversation in French saying how lovely Thom is (well, I don’t want him to start getting big-headed!) I really hope that Becky succeeds in what she wants to at the moment and won’t let doubts scare her...where she wants to be is where she should go, no questions asked. The evening flew by and before I knew it, it was already time for bed.

There comes a day when you realise turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realise that there was so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.

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