
By Transitoire

Un plat végétarien

I would say that this has been the laziest day off yet as Thom woke up feeling “like death”. He spent the morning in bed, while I attempted to wash up a few things from Cheese and Wine and generally do jobs that had been missed in the rush of the day before. This involved delivering the travel cot to the requesting family, changing some light bulbs and giving out a few barbeque grills…a very interesting life I lead I know!

Late afternoon was spent at the pool after I managed to convince Thom that since he was sleeping in bed, he might as well sleep by the pool so I could do a little bit of sunbathing! By the afternoon he was starting to feel a little better, so we decided to go out for a meal, avoiding the restaurant we had already tried. I had a few disappointing few phone calls as I tried to find a restaurant that we could go to that would cater for vegetarians (not for me, for Thom…I love meat too much to give it up!) usually involving some sort of conversation like:-

- « Avez-vous un plat végétarien ? »
- « Comme le poisson ? ou peut-être les frites et du riz »
- « Non, désolée, il ne mange pas le poisson… est-ce qu’il y a quelque chose de végétarien, comme une omelette, que vous pouvez cuisiner ?
- « Non, pas du tout, désolé. »
- « Okay, bonne soirée »
- « A vous aussi »

So with phone calls leading to an absolute blank we ended up heading to the port, finding our new favourite local restaurant, which made salad without the lardons and pizza without the meat for Thom…we are definitely recommending that one to customers!

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