Auntie Lauren & Nana Lili

3years 322days

We had a brilliant day today!! We got up quite early and got ready & out. We had a very pleasant cycle out to the local carboot sale to do a big clear out before we move. Katie had a fantastic time. She played in Granny & grandads van, eating a big bag of prawn crackers after her breakfast. She did lots of drawing, then she got out and helped sell. I gave her responsibility for a little basket of children's party bag bits. I told her they were 10pence each. She took great pride in telling people, and in taking her money when people gave her it. She was rather cross at me when I gave some bits to two boys who's mum had bought lots of other things. "But MUMMY, they are TEN PENCE EACH!" We left my mum and dad to it mid morning and went into town.

We were going to meet our lovely Max and Eden, and my bestie Lauren & her mum. We took the children down to the beach. Lauren had taken the bugaboo for Eden, with the buggy board on the back. Katie thought the pushchair was a hilarious concept and sat in it giggling hilariously a while.

We had a wonderful time playing on the beach. We all took it in turns between the different children. Katie insisted Lauren built a mermaid. And told her off for not putting a bra on it. Then looked at her like she'd lost the plot when Aunty Lauren wanted to put pebbles on for scales. I had fun with Max in the sea, we all gathered shells and pebbles with Lili. Eden and Katie ate an entire punnet of grapes. When Max had dried off, we took the children for donkey rides. Last summer, Edie had been too small. This year, Katie was really excited that she joined them. They then had an ice cream before we took them to the gardens. They proceeded to roll, climb, race and giggle. A lot. Katie and Max ran up the whole pathway to the top of the cliff. Katie did then however decide to get in the pushchair, for the tiny little journey down the street to M&S. She got back in on the way to Nannans and it was a case of "poke her routinely" to keep her awake.

We got to Nannans and were invited to stay the night. So the children ate, were bathed, and all had a lovely story time together before each going to sleep. Very quickly. And I got chance to have actual grown up nattering and conversations with my bestie for hours. We havent managed that in several years!!

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