Mrs. Hairy

She's a big beauty.

Lately, I've seen a hairy woodpecker on my seed feeder... I've never noticed one there before. Sure, they come to the suet or to the oranges; but if they use the seed feeder, I've missed it up until now. Today, while scoping out the area around my feeders and snapping shots of chickadees and other tiny birds, a pair of hairy woodpeckers came into the wooded area behind my feeders. They were playing from tree to tree and clearly more aware of each other than of me. It was fun to watch and of course fun to get a few images when they were in the right position. They didn't come to the feeder this time, though it could have been my presence that kept them from it.

I liked this shot especially, due to the lichen on the tree and the out of focus leaves in the background... I even liked the blown-out sky beyond the leaves for some reason. And the bird... can't forget the bird... she's pretty cute too. ;)

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