More bees...

...And probably not the last of 'em. Soon they'll be gone, so I guess I'm making the most of them as blip subjects. Bigger bees.

My neighbor and I went to a garden center in search of end-of-summer bargains. Though we were a bit too early for the perennials to be reduced, I did score a bird bath at a great price. :) Both she (Naturelover2) and I are blippers, does it count as a blip-meet if we are next door neighbors? ;-) We had a great time and brought home plenty to plant. I spent most of my time (and money) in the "Attracts bees and butterflies" section. This shot is of the spiria flower I purchased... It had dozens of bees on it in the garden center and darned if it didn't have that many or more on it just minutes after unloading it out of the car. I think I'll enjoy this one!

I meant to get an image that showed many bees, but it took me forever to warm up my camera (the house is air-conditioned and it's a hot humid evening - therefore everything fogs up on the camera until the temperature is regulated). I didn't realize that I had made wrong choice for a lens until the evening light was almost gone... I tried to warm up another lens with more DOF, but it was too late. Next time...

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