I'm green...

...I have wings but seem to prefer to crawl, my body is about a 1/2 inch long and if you irritate me I'll get up on my back legs and wave my front legs at you. Anyone out there know what I am? Get a better look here.

*Edit* Chamaeleo came up with an Assassin Bug, and that seems to fit the bill. Their front legs are designed for catching prey (the sticky hairs on their front legs, help them grasp other insects). They use piercing, sucking mouthparts to feed and the toxins in the assassin bug's saliva paralyze its prey. Gardeners consider them beneficial insects, because their voracious appetites for other bugs keeps pests under control. Plus it's a cool name. ;)

I went looking for the female praying mantis who we let go into our garden last week. She's been on this group of flowers for 4 days straight, but not today. While looking for her I found this little fellow. It's much smaller than the praying mantis and doesn't have the folded front legs, but did remind me of it in some ways.

Fewest images I've taken in a while. A quick photo shoot with my little green friend and I called it a day - with my camera that is.

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