done and dusted

Voting is compulsory in Aus..when you enrol on the Electorate Roll, you are obligated to cast a vote and there is a fine if you don't vote. 'The dog ate my homework' or 'I forgot' just does not cut it!!

So come hell or high water...and we had 30mm!! of rain overnight..the polling booths were chockers with queues of soggy voters.
Apart from the usual supsects there were a real licorice allsorts of other choices including: the Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party, HEMP party, Wikileaks Party, Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party and intriguingly the Sex party.
mmm which to choose?

I watched the count with friends on a well fed and lubricated evening we saw the numbers tally and the Coalition (Libs and National Party) voted in as the next government of the country. Not a hung parliament as was the last result...phew!

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