
3years 307days

We had a lovely morning at home today just pottering. We went out in time for a midday potter with a friend. We went for a drink first of all - Katie was very keen to go get a babyccino. She then wanted to go to the park, so we wandered through the town centre to a little gardens which she skipped around for a while before we went to a small park just round the corner. She went on everything a few times then headed to get some lunch.We found a nice little square with free benches to sit and eat. And we found the time had passed rather quickly - it was time to go for our train before we knew it!

We headed to Scarborough on the train, where we cycled to Granny & Grandads. We had a hire car for the weekend so we put her seat in and headed to Peasholm Park. We spent a lovely time walking further round than we have walked there for quite a long time. Katie enjoyed feeding the ducks & gulls for a while but it was feeding the squirrels she really liked. We had a lovely fish (for Katie & my parents) & chip supper in the park before heading back to theirs. She went straight to bed a happy girl.

(This is my new favourite photo of Katie I think)

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