Sling meet

3years 305

Today we went to Scarborough to meet up with some fellow babywearing friends at the park. Katie had a great time charging round before they all got there. Right before everyone arrived, a nursery appeared at the park so she wasnt too keen on playing thereafter. She was very pleased to see her little friend Euan and they played with her poi on the grass banks. She also ran around with baby in her little carrier for a lot of the morning. She asked to go on my back in the mei tai as she began to flag a bit. She chose our new carrier, our latest Monkey Meitai creation which is utterly divine and made from my first "High End" wrap, a luscious pavo panel. She got a bit tired and wobbly mid day so we got our train home a bit earlier than we had intended. She fell asleep and slept the entire journey home, bless her.

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