Milton Maize Maze!

I have blipped this place before!

A few days ago Coxy and I decided we'd have a trip out so today we packed a picnic and off we went to Milton Maze! Super day, packed with fun for the children and I think we may have even had 5 minutes to chat...!! We were met by a few people we knew that also had the same idea as us!

The big boys flew around the maze as soon as we got there (when I say flew, we saw them an hour and a half later!!) the girls weren't allowed in without an adult though... I think we managed about an 8th of the maze before I was bribing them all to find the exit with the reward of an ice cream!

It was a super day though, even if Elliot is a touch pink :( I thought perhaps that he was a little red from running about... But after a lot of air con, a big drink and a sleep it would appear that I'm just a crap parent..!

NB. More sun cream needed!

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