Making new friends!

Anna and I have been friends for nearly 4 years and today all the children got to meet! Evie and Emma started to get to know each other a little while ago and I thought when they met for the first time today they would be quite shy... They weren't and started nattering straight away, in fact we had to keep turning around during our walk round Wimpole to make sure they were still with us! I have no idea what they were chatting about but they had a lot to say to each other!

It was a wonderful day, the children got to feed the squealing piglets blimey they're loud!! stroke the shire horses, see lots of different animals, Anna had a rat run over her foot !!!!! we even saw the shire horses having their shoes changed (is that the correct term?? Re-shoed??) Anyway, super day!! Until May got stung by a wasp on her foot then shortly after Meg was stung, again by a wasp, on her arm. They were both super brave and after a minute or 2 of tears they were acting like nothing had happened, clever girlies!

We got home and Emma and Evie were facetiming straight away!!

Memories made!!

For me I had to blip the children, but these were possible..

Forgot to mention, we got home and I checked my emails and Evie has won a photography competition on the website!! She's now £50 better off!! VERY proud!!

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