Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


This morning, on the way to my blipmeet, I saw what must be the laziest street performer ever. A man in a black suit, with his tie out to the side (on a wire). I realised he was one of these ‘running man’ statues. But he was not as good as the ones I’ve seen on blip. His jacket remained firmly buttoned, so didn’t flap out, and he had a hat on, so his hair wasn’t ‘blowing’.

I watched him for a while - he just held on to his wheelie suitcase and stood on one leg, the other stuck out behind him, slightly. That was all he did. And he put a cap with money already in it on the pavement in front of him. AND he couldn’t even keep that pose for long.

He should get the famous (newly invented by me) MUSP prize. (Most Useless Street Performer).

At least the two young people I saw on the way home TRIED. They weren’t very good, and kept dropping the flaming torches and falling over, laughing and running round with a card saying 'WOW!' to inform the crowd the desired reaction to the mediocre trick.

I met up with Daisychains at St Andrews Square. While I was waiting, I amused myself by sticking my head into the flowers and trying to catch a bee in flight, and almost succeeded. This was just using the screen.

Coffee at My Club (DC most impressed) then to the Fruitmarket Gallery for lunch, where I complained (politely) about the raucous banging muzak. On to the Royal Mile for a few more blipping opportunities, but I didn’t like any of them enough, though I think DC got a few goodies.

DC dragged me into the Signet Library and forced me to drink a glass of champagne. It’s a library normally used by the lawyers, except they probably do it all on the internet now. It’s quite posh, or tries to be. Whole lobster and wedges £35, anyone?

And what do I hear? Banging muzak! Unbelievable. I suggested there could be more appropriate music for an upmarket cafe in an exclusive library space that only sells champagne. I got a blank look. (Poor DC - now she knows how JR feels everywhere we go…)

Anyway, we had a lovely day, yakking non stop, and of course, comparing cameras (she loved my PEN).

I spotted the divine little rhubarb tarts at the Fruitmarket Gallery, and so DC bought some for both of us to take home.

Talking of which…

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