
By AlrightFlower

25 years...

... is how long my brother and his wife will have been married a week on Tuesday. Bloody hell, a quarter of a century, a few months over half of my brother's life.

They've had their ups and downs, struggled through adversity and the crashing down of dreams together and have been blessed with two children who you wouldn't automatically want to suffocate in their beds.

My long-suffering sister in law has followed my brother around the globe, living in houses which he's bought as a project, bringing up the aforementioned sprogs amongst the rubble. And in a few short months (assuming the sale of their house goes through) they'll be leaving the wilds of Yorkshire to settle in sunny Buckinghamshire. Or somewhere like that.

I hope this latest (last?) move will bring them happiness - and mean that my sister in law will finally get to see her family more than once a year!

And I hope that the next 25 years sees them making happy memories together.


It's ok, I don't think they know I Blip, so no chance of them seeing the card I've made them before the day!

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