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By NessD

Too much light

There is such a thing as too much light. For me and a photo. This chappie has featured before but we've obviously knocked the light since I took it because this is much worse.

However, it does sum up the last few days. And for a comedy mask it does a good job of implying pain. Still paying the price for challenging the migraine god (did the Greeks have a god of headaches?). A better day though. Got through the morning at work with the addition of sunglasses for a meeting in a fluorescent lit room. Special. Crashed this afternoon and then groceries and luscious home-made "scampi" for tea. Improving all the time (fingers crossed). No funny turns, normal food and out and about for most of the day. I'll take that.

Tomorrow I will feel normal and target the tip that the house now resembles. But for now - more sleep :-).


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