Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Portrait Clouds

I made reference in my journal a couple of days ago to taking landscape/seascape blips in a portrait format. This is not something I do very often although it can work well. Often when I am blipping landscapes I will see something that I think might be worth a portrait shot. However, when it comes to review 9 times out of 10 the portrait shots are ditched.

Its a few months since I last took my wee compact with me on a run to the beach. This is partly down to running less as the old joints show signs of wear and tear, but also because the conditions didn't inspire me. However, before I set out this morning I noticed the big puffy grey and white clouds that filled the sky and thought there might be a blip or two at the beach. I wasn't disappointed, and with the tide being out there were plenty of ripples and pools of water on the beach creating lovely effects against the big clouds in the sky. Only problem they wouldn't fit into a landscape shot. So lots of portrait shots were taken as the clouds moved away from me on the light wind.

I settled on this shot as it had the sparkling water as well as the clouds and ripples!

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