Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb


Today's blip is really an update on our local community business, Carradale Bikes & Buggies, which we started up in April . Throughout the Spring and Summer we have been promoting our off road buggies which can be hired by the disabled to allow them access to the countryside. They are proving to be a great success and the people who have used them have been delighted to be able to explore areas otherwise inaccessible to them.

News of the venture has spread and today we had a visit from a BBC crew filming for a Landward programme on Kintyre. Along with several other volunteers, I spent the afternoon helping out with the filming. My role was to cycle in the background while the camera concentrated on the buggies. The blip shows Dougie Vipond interviewing one of our directors. The show is being broadcast at the end of October so watch out for it!

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