Blush response

By Esper

Inner Moonlight

On This Day In History
1955: U.S. Customs seizes copies of Allen Ginsberg's Howl

Quote Of The Day
"Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness. You say what you want to say when you don't care who's listening."
(Allen Ginsberg)

Anyone who has followed my journal for any time knows what my "inner moonlight" is. Still following it. There's some amazing new sightings below.

BREAKING UFO NEWS! SOMETHING HUGE JUST HAPPENED! HOLY SNAP!! Holy mackeral! Do I see an alien at 15:18!!?? Actually, played at 0.25 speed there is also a large, dark figure on the roof of the same building and a white craft - it could be a plane, of course - flying below the U.A.P.

Hopefully this is more moonlight than madness. Still, I don't care who's listening.

Moonlight Shadow

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