Blush response

By Esper

The Extortionate Price Of Liberty

On This Day In History
1862: Wendell Philips booed in Cincinnati

Quote Of The Day
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few."
(Wendell Philips)

I watched another fascinating video by one of my favourite YouTube presenters, Jaymez, yesterday. Some of it I thought was either fake or misrepresented. For example, Ariana Grande was clearly joking about having her memory wiped; probably she was hoping to ditch the creepy interviewer who later on - not shown here - seriously violated her personal space. The hypnotist also seems quite untrustworthy - "the best hypnotist in the world!" Obviously, the Franki Valli clip is fake. The renegade robot is, possibly, simply trying to walk forwards, perhaps malfunctioning. The Meghan Markle clip is almost certainly fake. The cucumber video could, possibly, be a case of pure coincidence as my daughter believes, but I think it is genuine and very creepy indeed.

Whatever, the overriding theme of the video is intriguing and quite alarming. Much of what is presented is in line with Shoshana Zuboff's concept of Surveillance Capitalism. What some people misinterpret as operating systems like Google reading your mind is simply incredibly advanced applied kinesics using data obtained by listening to your speech patterns, intonation and observing your conscious and autonomic facial gestures. One day, you'll be told, "I'm sorry, I can't do that, Dave."

Anyway, you can check out Jaymez's video here.


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