Another day with not much time for taking pics so these Scilla from the front garden are all I managed.
A couple of jobs done and then it was out for 4 hrs. Mr Rat dropped me off at the library as I had overdue books (I wasn't fined) and I then walked to church where we got things set up for tomorrow - and discovered the urn didn't work, at least we had times to plan alternatives.
Walked home (I'd forgotten my bus pass and couldn't remember the bus times, anyway) and then had a chat with the tree surgeons who have removed the one tree and were about to take the bits away. That was it for the day as there was a bit too much wind to start at the top of the next one.
A very late lunch, a seat for a while and then out to get shopping to make sure we've enough bread and milk for a couple of days, and a pizza for tea.
Now yet more admin, fortunately not too much, and a bit of knitting.
I should sleep well again, I don't remember stirring at all last ngiht!
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