
The day started quite chilly and murky but improved, though with a brisk wind. The wind meant the Health Walk was a bit shorter as some found walking into it a bit of a struggle.
Cafe was very busy for half an hour but then eased off with slightly fewer customers than usual so it wasn't too late when we'd finished. 
I then had to go next door to the community centre to look at some more of the job applications as the lady who had been going to review them at home had been unable to open them. We now have a short-list of 5 for 2 jobs and they have been contacted about interviews.
When I got home I dealt with the recycling from cafe and then went out for a short walk by the ponds and managed some pics of the willow and picked some wild garlic (which Mr Rat incorporated into the meal).
Next task is sunday's service and I'm getting there.

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