More blue sky
And no complaints from me.
This is an early Blip. I'm on the computer briefly doing a couple of other things and thought I'd post this while I'm online: taken during our walk this morning on the way to town.
I thought I'd be much less active today than of late, but my afternoon plans involve the line-trimmer, the lawnmower and some loppers!
But first I must nip over the road to check on my neighbour who slipped and fell at work this morning. She banged her head and although she was cleared by the doctor to come home, she's not too bright...
Later ... I had another interesting chat with the Food Bank organiser this morning.
I was a bit concerned that beetroot and red cabbage might not be popular with people needing food support. She assured me that all the veg I've been dropping off has been super-popular because of its freshness and good quality.
Some people donate veg they won't eat themselves - overblown courgettes, stringy beans, sluggy cabbages. I was shocked. Why should people who need food support be given second (or third) class produce? That's not kind.
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