Oyster catchers on the green.
I went to a funeral today, the mother of a friend who was also a member of our congregation. She was 100 in December. The funeral was well attended, and as always on such occasions it was interesting to see pictures and to hear of the full life, someone I only knew as very elderly, had lived.
The reception was at the Royal Burgess Golf club. Always a lovely setting looking right down the last fairway. I was surprised to see more than a dozen oyster catchers there. They were having a great time hauling long juicy worms out of the turf just off the green.
When I came home I sent off for a new passport. I've been caught in the trap which applying early for the last one caught me in. Although my passport doesn't run out till next July, it's ten year span runs out in October.
It was all very straightforward I entered the code from the photo machine and my picture magically appeared on screen.
We have a local shop with a post office which is open till ten at night. I'll be interested to see how long it is until it comes back.
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