Off we go!
Strange, but now I have someone coming to take the strain off the garden, today I got stuck in. I started by clearing the vegetable corner, weeding and digging over. Next stop was the standard roses and getting them pruned. The girls bought them for us for our ruby wedding anniversary - this year we celebrate our gold! - can't believe that was 10 years ago.
When I had a look at the small raised bed by the bedroom window, I was delighted to see these lovely fritillaries in flower. There's quite a clump of them so I'll maybe split them once they've finished flowering. It's a good bed for them as it's not in full sun. They are my contribution to Flower Friday.
The rest of the collage is taken up with another plant in that bed, a Cordyline it grows well there and is over 20 years old. Every five or six years we decide it has got too tall and so we chop down the main stem. There is usually at least one other stem already growing up take its place. This year we are going to take out the next biggest stem too or it will need to be dealt with in just a couple of years. There are a couple of others already there so they will take off no doubt. The difference in the amount of light in the bedroom is remarkable. The stem we took down today is about 9 feet long.
My enthusiasm for the outdoors knew no bounds today! I CLEANED THE KITCHEN WINDOWS inside and out. Some off you may do such things regularly, I do not so it's worthy of recording in capital letters! Much better view to the West of the sunset now. I filled the bird feeders next and even scrubbed the water dish which gets absolutely filthy.
Alloy and the girls came about 3.30 after Josie swimming lesson. Bonnie is much more interactive now, she can find a requested toy in a pile and give it to you and can copy and imitate actions too. She's clearly listening and understanding and starting to make her own sounds too.
Colin was off to Glasgow tonight for a concert so I had booked myself a table at the Fish Market at Newhaven. I had a thoroughly enjoyable meal of fresh scampi and chips, the only disappointment was the home made tartare sauce which was tasteless, I love tartare sauce normally so it was a real disappointment.
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