Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


You are probably wondering what blue sky and clouds has to do with the Community Fridge - well the answer is absolutely nothing!  I just loved the clouds in the blue sky and thought that the sky bit looked like a duck - so being a bit zany, decided to add this to my collage today.

It was very busy at the Community Fridge today and you can see from my collage all the lovely stuff we had to give away to our customers.  Of course, there is much more than I can show here, but they are always very grateful. 

I was pleased because, of course, with the weather being so beautiful today, our customers didn't have to queue in the pouring rain or the biting cold, so everyone seemed very happy today.  Hilary and I took it in turns to be in the kitchen or out chatting and between us and the rest of the volunteers, we got lots of work done.  

Because it was so busy, and of course, we have to clear everything away afterwards, I feel very tired now, so am going to read a few pages of my book before cooking our meal and then we are off to our Church AGM, so I may not get around to commenting much this evening.  

No guesses as to where Mr. HCB has been this morning and part of the afternoon!  I must admit he has done sterling work on our grass - although we can't really call it a "lawn" - but he said the "thatcher" attachment for the lawn mower was excellent.  Next week he will be raking the grass again and then scattering wild flower seeds in it ready for "No Mow from March to September" - so that the pollinators can "do their stuff". 

I found a great passage in the book I am reading at present, "My Father's House"  and it did make me smile - this was a description of something that took place on Christmas Eve 1943:

"At the College, the furnace has chugged on.  Pipes crossing the ceiling of his room give their clicketting hum;  the aroma of roasted dust arises."

I doubt anyone reading this has ever smelled "roasted dust" but I certainly have and there will be more whilst I am reading my books! 

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