Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


...a beautiful sunny day again - and we are very grateful.  The main window in our bedroom needs some work done on it, but when I first got up at 6.30, it looked as if it was a rainy day, but it’s just that the seal has gone, so we are waiting for someone to come and fix it.

I say “first got up” because after my trip to the bathroom, I decided to get back into bed, and then woke again at 9.45!  Some of you will know that I stubbed the little toe on my right foot yesterday, and I was in a lot of pain last night - in fact, I nearly didn’t go to Home Group, but Mr. HCB persuaded me.  I could hardly walk and wondered if I had broken the toe, but this morning, after much prayer, a long rest and sleep it felt better. 

I have had a lazy morning, sorting out the music for the songs on Sunday, when I am singing in the Worship Group, and then I translated the songs into Romanian for a lovely lady who comes to Church quite regularly.  She speaks very little English, and worships in her own way, but I thought as it is a special Sunday, when we have a Minister coming to “preach with a view” - in other words, to see if we like him and he likes us - it would be good for her to be able to sing the songs in her own language.  Guess if I try to learn Romanian and Spanish so that I could at least converse with those families, that would keep me out of mischief!

Mr. HCB is taking advantage of the sunny weather, and has been out in the garden again.  He has never used the “thatcher” on the lawn mower we bought during one of the lockdowns, so today decided that was what he would do.  It was a big job and he decided to take the back of the mower off, de-thatch the lawn and then rake all the detritus up at the end.  He sometimes finds that bending over too much makes him feel dizzy, so at least he is being sensible!

So a couple of shots of Mr. HCB, out in his happy place again;  the middle shot at the bottom shows the three pots that he planted up earlier in the winter.  As I stood washing up and looked out of the kitchen window, they looked so pretty in the sunshine, so here they are, for their 15 minutes of fame on Blip. 

Whilst washing up, I was listening to UCB 2 on the radio, and the presenter said that Dr. David Livingstone was born on this day, 19th March 1813 at Blantyre in Scotland.

Here are two of David Livingstone’s quotes :

“I will go anywhere provided it be forward,”  and 

“God, send me anywhere, only go with me.” 

I would subscribe to both those.

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