Not ‘armless but seatless!
Mike won’t be going far sitting on this
But I guess he will still get the buzz
And will definitely go faster
Than if he were walking.
I wonder how much more we see
When we are walking slowly
Do we take everything in
Or does it just go past in a blur?
And what about our lives?
Do we rush through every day
Not spending time seeing
The little things in life?
Life is much too short
Not to see and enjoy everything -
Nature in all its glory
Especially at this time of year
And don’t forget...
Spring is coming -
So enjoy every minute
You only know you have today
And that is such
A precious thought!
© Mrs HCB 21/3/25
P.S. I was intending to Blip some flowers, this being Flower Friday, as per usual, but when I got home after going out for coffee with my lovely friend, Caroline Smith, saw our neighbour's Enfield MotorBike with no seat, hence the poem - and as I heard on the radio that it was World Poetry Day, thought I would "pen a poem"! Enjoy every minute of every day! M xx
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