
By MumOf4Wildlings


This week can actually do one. 
Started off a brilliant day. Our at football and then a park. And then after lunch it seriously went downhill.  Literally was the biggest pile of dinosaur dung ever and I want to go and just hide away for a month. Possibly need a tetanus shot, certainly look like I've been in the wars. 

Anyway wildlings had a fab day. Had a play at dalscone after. Wee Xander has even offered to make his siblings dinner as he can see I'm not the best. Bless his heart. But I'll feed them, bath them, wait for Mr R to come home and then I will retreat to bed. 

Good job I love my students and I only see a glimpse of what parents see on a daily basis. I have so much admiration for them. Those parents can have it so difficult every single day. 

Anyway I'm crawling to bed when I can. And I'll keep my big girl pants on while the wildlings are around.  

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