Nearly home
Just up around the corner and behind the gum trees is Chez M&B. We were on our way home from our walk.
Yesterday's rain has cleared off and we have had a glorious sunny day.
I spent the morning in K's garden doing a huge amount of tree and bush-pruning. One area had got quite out of control, and I had the go ahead last week from R to hack it back. Two hours of hard yakka made a massive difference and you can actually see onto and out of the veranda now.
I think R has been hesitant to do anything too dramatic to the garden for a while...memories of K are so wrapped up in the place. But she would have loved the way it looks now, so I'm really pleased I pushed the idea. And R was happy by the time I'd finished.
This afternoon I planned to prune my blackcurrant bushes, which are about a month overdue. However when I went into the new cabin to change my trousers, I accidentally lay on the sofa. And even more accidentally I fell asleep for two hours.
The blackcurrants will have to wait until tomorrow...
I have made these comments on Wildwood's Blip today, but worth repeating here... Does anybody know what the answer is I wonder?
The thing that is currently astonishing in the USA is the utter toothlessness of the legal system.
Time and again I hear it reported that the overlords had done this or that which a judge declares to be illegal, or contrary to the Constitution ...and yet they continue doing whatever it is with complete impunity.
If something is illegal, isn't there somebody there to prevent them from doing it? Isn't that the point of laws?
Presumably Trump et al know that there is actually no enforcement of law, so they know they can do exactly as they wish. Until somebody physically stops them, which is a ghastly prospect...
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