Patiently waiting
Bean waits for me to catch up with her by the gate at the end of our sunny walk, to take off her collar and let her through to find a perfect spot to snore relax for the rest of the afternoon.
We missed a frost by just 1 degree again this morning, and we have been warned that tonight will be colder. So I have taken steps to protect the squashes and courgettes, covering the bed with frost fleece. See the extra. The beans are too big to cover, so the outer foliage may suffer, but I hope it is dense enough that the beans inside the wigwams will survive.
If we do have frost tonight it will be a month earlier than last year, and two months earlier than in 2022. Autumn is kicking in fast and too soon. I am doing my best to be phlegmatic about it.
Today's kitchen capers have included a huge pot of tomato and potato stewy-soup, which is bubbling as I type.
Sheila will be fed before bedtime, so the first job in the morning is mixing and proving sourdough.
The salads I made yesterday are delicious, and complement each other beautifully. A poached egg on the side made a perfect meal.
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