Narcissus calcicola
Well maybe. First time flowering from seed sown a few years ago. I posted a blip of this species back in 2014, almost 11 years ago to the day. The plants I showed then are subtly different, I'm not sure that today's flowers properly fit the description of the species but the wild plants do vary a bit. This is pretty close. Around six inches tall, the flowers are quite small but very beautiful to my eye at least!
A lovely sunny day which warmed a bit as it went on although the wind was chill from the east when I walked Meg this afternoon. Earlier I'd done a little admin and accompanied Jamie to the health centre. He's had a carpal tunnel problem, today was injections to alleviate things. He's having to use a power chair for a few days but all seems to have gone well.
I found an hour for pottery glazing late this afternoon before cooking a simple curry for our tea ... easy to eat, no cutting up required. It was good to get to singing tonight after missing last week. A returning member led us in this lovely song that's close to her heart.
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