
By dogwithnobrain

To tell you what tonight will bring.

Another day and a half. 

We got up reasonably early, again, after a full night's sleep and no night terrors. 

Si was going to replace one post in the allotment and tighten up the wire. 

I suggested that I run to B&Q whilst he did that and pick up the beading to replace some of the more dodgy pieces on Cosmo.   I did that, also sneaked in a little run round the Range.  I got back to the allotment, and found him, music on, fence in Pieces.  

I looked and said "what can i do".     He asked me to paint some more stakes, as he had discovered that when he pulled the wire out, the wire was actually all that was keeping the stakes up. 

I looked at my lovely white, shiny, clean trainers, and thought,  dang it.  I took them off and hid them somewhere safe, and I painted two stakes and a 12 ft long plank. 

i looked at the fence and I figured, I may as well paint the fences while I was standing there. 

So I painted the front side of Plot 12B, and the frame round the gate;  the front posts of 16a, and then the bottom of the posts.  Then the side posts of 16A, (both side), and the bottom of one of the sides.  Paint finished. 

Then I went round to see what the master was up to.   Oh my god.  The path was completely blocked with a pile of rotten wood.  I started at the bottom, and started scraping with my trowel, and filled two garden bags with the wood chippings. I raked it too. 

Poor Si's fingers were raw with trying to bend the chicken wire in the way he wanted it to go.   So instead of 1 post - he did three - drilled a hole 1 foot deep for each of them, and used the banging thing to push them in further.  

Then he removed 16ft of rotten bottom blocks, dug out the space and replaced them,  Then he stapled the chicken wire to the panels, and nailed the panels to the stakes. (he also had to saw a bit in half, to fill a wee gap.  

The two of us held up 12 ft plank and attached it to to top of the fence.  And raked about all the other wood we had to find another piece to finish the gap.... amazingly he found one, already painted (we have a lot of lose wood about the place).

That done, we cleared our mess, I tried to book a spot at the skip - but there were none left for today.   So Si brought everything back from the car, and we left it all in the plot.  For removal another day. 

We came home - (I had to remove the mud caked socks and roll my top up inside out to save the car from paint/ mud) and showered, and now, himself is sitting (well deserved) on the sofa, can of beer in hand, chatting to Boy on the other hand, while the two  of them cheer on Newcastle in the Cup Final. 

Yesterday we asked Boy if he was ready for the match.... He said "we are as well as we can be with several great players out".  he answered for Newcastle, as opposed to "Yes, I have found a pub open at 12 midnight for me to watch the game". 


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