I'm Like a bird.....
A big bird, in a Blue top. Can you see me?
Another busy day.
Up to the allotment this morning, where I drove anyone in the allotment field insane with my Drone. I took it up as high as I could so that you couldn't hear it and got some lovely shots.
It's nice to take a picture before the start of the hard work.
In our plots... Not much to see. Some leeks, the start of the onions and garlic, and the strawberry bed.
Once home, I re-painted Cosmo. The paint is drying very peculiarly. Kind of like "shabby chique", and That really wasn't the look I was going for.
Si planted some peas. 144 to be exact. Lets see how they look when we are back.
We went back to the allotment - Si needed to get cheques signed, and then we went and got some shopping. We didn't intend to get much we pretty much had everything we needed in the freezer, but still managed to spend 70.00!!!!
Town is still looking very pretty, in the sunshine, still only 9 degrees though.
Touch wood. Feeling so much better than I have been.
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