
By hazelh

Ian Hamilton Finlay at Modern 2

I'm a big fan of Little Sparta, so this morning I was keen to learn more about Ian Hamilton Finlay at the current exhibition of his work at Modern 2 (blipped). The number of items on display is small, but all are extremely interesting and full of humour and wit. 

Some of the exhibits reminded me of a doctoral study that I heard about in 2022 on conceptual art in the second half of the 1960s and its links with Concrete poetry (i.e. poetry in which the form of the words - such as typography and shape - conveys the meaning of the poem more than do its linguistic elements of words, and their sound and meaning). 

After visiting the exhibition, Mr hazelh indulged ourselves by having our (over-priced but very nice) lunch in the gallery café. Then we walked home via Stockbridge and the charity shops. No purchases were made.

Back at the flat again, it was back to catching up on our usual duties. I've been out of the house so much over the past few days that I have let quite a few tasks lapse. These range from filling up the bird feeders to dealing with auctioneer admin (still). And, of course, what I really want is a good block of time to finish the journal article that I am writing with Rachel, and then be free to get into the garden.

Exercise today: walking (14,042 steps).

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