Light entertainment

By annejohn


A cool morning, with frost on roofs.  Temperature went up, along with a wind from the West later on. 

Fetched a newspaper and supplies from Broughton Market. Out to walk earlier than usual; no 24 bus to the Gasometer then down to the shore. Walked along the promenade to Cramond. Tide almost fully in; one group of oystercatchers on a group of rocks. A fair number of people and children and dogs. 

At Cramond harbour there seemed to be beginners sailing in progress; several very small yachts and three guard boats. One person didn't get themselves out into the channel (tricky, light wind from the West, they needed to tack to get North) and was towed out from the harbour wall to get started. Three swans among the sailboats. We had tea from one of the two trucks. Back by no 47 bus. 

Evening concert by Barokkanerne : Ingeborg Christophersen recorder; Huw Daniel violin; Gunnar Hauge cello; Christian Kjos harpsichord/chamber organ; Jadran Duncumb theorbo
They played three Vivaldi pieces, including the Trio Sonata op1 no 12 "La Follia" which is more familiar as a Corelli piece (Ladies of Spain); other pieces by Farina, Castello, Natteis, Marini, Falconieri, Merula, and Scottish tunes by Barsanti, Matteis and Geminiani.  Excellent playing, lovely light Italian pieces, lots of call and response between the recorder and the violin.

Time to sign up for next season (first concert is in October)

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