If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


When we visited the kitchen fitters the other day Clickychick was, to put it mildly< a little dischuffed to discover that not only do NEFF not supply what she considers a "proper" grill pan, they didn't sell one as an accessory.  The current guests leave tomorrow so she wanted a grill pan ready for the next guests.

This required another impromptu gallop round the county.  This time to Lakeland.  Being retired we rarely,if ever go to places like that at weekends.  We expected it to be heaving, thankfully it wasn't.  Having acquired a grill pan  we set off back intending to stop at Waterhead for either bird shots or scenes.  No chance all short term parking was full.

So we moved on to Hayes Garden World. I seem to have done more than usual flower shots recently so rather than go for a close up I liked this more general shot in one of the displays.

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