
By dogwithnobrain

Bring back bring back ....

I swithered today about which picture to give you 

Today was a busy day.  We were up early (for us) and out into the garden.

Si finishing the shelving and the trimming for the greenhouse .... We are waiting one replacement pane which shattered when we were stowing them.when they arrived 

I started masking taping the windows of Cosmo in preparation for pairing 

Si then moved on to emptying the shed so that we could rearrange the shelves from the old greenhouse 

Then I started painting..... I painted for two hours and then si headed to the skip with a car full of rubbish from the shed.

We stopped for lunch when he came back and then I repainted again 

Once I had finished that: I pulled everything out of cosmo and washed the floor and de-haired 

We stopped then....four o'clock and showered and then headed to town to drop a return off.

Both of us just sat in our chairs exhausted. But happy 

Good day 

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