A time for everything

By turnx3

Spring beauty

Sunday 9 March
Today was our last day in England. We all went to church as usual, and stayed for coffee and biscuits after, whilst chatting to people. It’s a very friendly church, and we are well recognized there, and Laura has been quite often too, when she was living in Europe, and even Kuwait, since that was cheaper than coming home. However, it’s been several years since Jen had been, so we had some introductions to make. Janet and John cooked us a lovely roast lamb dinner, followed by rhubarb crumble with rhubarb from the garden, and then we spent most of the afternoon packing, before leaving about 6.30 to drive down to a hotel near Heathrow ready for our flight late tomorrow morning.
My blip is just a quick iPhone shot of the beautiful bed of Spring flowers in Janet’s front garden, taken as we left for church this morning.

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